OK...So I have not blogged in a long time. It has been CRAZY this past month. Robby STILL does not have a job and I start back to work next week...this means that we will not have any EXTRA income! YIKES! Also...the last week in July, my car broke down (my awesome friend Kim came and rescued me), so thank you JESUS....my parents had just bought a car and had not sold their old one so they had an extra sitting in the driveway. So, Robby's mom came down and we met my mom in college station to get that car for me to borrow (Tuesday) I drove it Wednesday and then on Thursday the AC went out in my mom's car!!!! Well...perfect timing since I was leaving to go to camp on Friday and would not need it. So, we dropped it off at the mechanic on Friday morning. It was ready to go on Tuesday. We had my car towed back to my house. Robby put some lubricant in the ignition when we got it home. One week later...works like a charm! WOW! How did Robby get to be so smart?! Thank you Jesus for Robby! Now we are at the first week in August. We are going along and yesterday, our Washing machine brakes! So...this morning at church I said..."God, Teach me already...PLEASE!!!" Whatever it is that I am supposed to learn...please teach me quickly! So, today I spent my afternoon at the laundry mat with some VERY shady people doing our laundry! BUT! Robby calls me 15 minutes before I am done and he somehow fixed the washing machine! AGAIN...Thank you Jesus for Robby! So, we are starting our work week next week. Please...all of you pray that nothing breaks...PLEASE!
Sorry that it has been so long since I posted, but I have been very overwhelmed!
This is a picture of Abby in her tutu! OH...we went to the doctor today for her 18 month shots (even though she is 20 months!) The doctor said that she is going to be tall! Probably 5'9" or so! WOW! That is funny since I am definately NOT tall. She also said that she is "has very advanced language and speech" YAY!