Ok...so, we decided to try putting Abby in her big girl bed today. Well, at first she thought that it was super fun to jump on it! Then we put her down for a nap and she would open the door, say "shhh" to herself, turn around and shut the door and then run into our bedroom and put on "lipstick" or chapstick. After about 4 times of this we put the door knob safety thing on it where she can't open the door without pushing in the sides. So, I told her that we wanted her to be safe and not get an owie so she can't open the door anymore. She said "oookkkk" with a look of disappointment on her face. Then, she laid down without a peep and took a pretty good nap. Tonight was the real test. We went up to her room, prayed and she said. "Tuck me in my big girl bed please." WOW! I said ok. So, Robby and I tucked her in, gave her a kiss and she went sound asleep without a peep! We will see what the night holds, but so far, so good. Here are a few pictures of her and her big girl bed. Thank you Shannon and Marshall for her big girl bed! She loves it!