She is getting over being sick. She is cutting her top molar teeth and so I think that is part of the problem. We have been giving her the antihistamine/decongestant benadryl and that seems to be helping. I however had a very strange thing happen to me this week. I have been going to chiropractors for almost 10 years and have been to some really good ones and some really bad ones. The one that I am going to now is AMAZING! Well, I go every Monday. This Monday I went in feeling pretty good and left feeling pretty lousy. Strange. Well, as the day progressed into night time and the next day, I was feeling worse and worse. I was really dizzy and my left neck, shoulder and back hurt sooo bad that I was in tears. Then, last night my left arm went numb! So, I called the doctor and he said that it was possible that when he adjusted my neck, that he adjusted me too far the other way!!! SO...now I have to take 4-5 motrin and a vicadin just to be able to sleep! So, I went back today and he adjusted it back and I felt great again! Strange how such a small thing can cause so much pain and suffering. Well...he said that probably my muscles would pull it back out of place since they were so tight and...IT DID! So, we are back on the heated neck wrap and meds until Friday when I go back. He said that I probably would not feel better for 3 or 4 days! That is a very painful mistake!!!! I was NOT impressed. But, I still trust him and he has helped me more in the last few months than others ever have.