Well, I just got back from my bible study! WOW! I am constantly blown away at God's Great Perfection! I do not understand people who believe ONLY the old or ONLY the new testament! When you read and study the old testament you find so many prophesies that are revealed in the new testament. How can you doubt? We are talking about the 3 feasts of the old testament today. 1. the passover, 2. the feast of unleavened bread, 3. the first fruits. God makes a direct prophecy to the Israelites of the Old testament to the 1. death, 2. burial, and 3. resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of the New Testament! I have a story to share with you today. This will be kind of long...but WELL worth it. I am taking it directly out of our bible study. What a beautiful picture this brings. Thank you JESUS!
"A few days ago I received a word of a group in Cape Town, South Africa, going through the Bible study Breaking Free. The woman leading the study shared that a prostitute wandered in off the stree while the class was underway. The troubled woman was simply looking for a place to sit and rest her weary frame. As our wonderful God would have it, she ended up listening to the entire class, approached the leader and said, 'I can never go back to my old life.' When I heard the story, I wept. That, beloved, is one reason I love Jesus so much! He is the ultimate Prince Charming to every woman, expecially the one who forgot she was Cinderella. he looked with loving eyes on that lifeless woman, knowing all she'd ever said and done. He gazed beneath her sin into the brokenness that caused her to devalue herself so thoroughly. He'd given His whole life for HER and wanted HER to know that she was worth it to Him. Christ, the spotless One and the Righteous King, saw beauty beneath her wounded, weathered exterior and sought to make her His own. As surely as Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, He drew a South African prostitute to the fountain of living water and gave her a drink. Despite her self-destruction, Christ was FOR HER. He was on her side when she was her own worst enemy. That's the way HE is."
WOW! Thank you Jesus that you are ALWAYS "for" us and that you promise that you will conform us in YOUR likeness! (Romans 8:28-39) Help us to Look to you everyday...ALL day...NO MATTER the situation. Help me to seek your face ALONE! First, foremost, without blinking, every second of Every day!
"A few days ago I received a word of a group in Cape Town, South Africa, going through the Bible study Breaking Free. The woman leading the study shared that a prostitute wandered in off the stree while the class was underway. The troubled woman was simply looking for a place to sit and rest her weary frame. As our wonderful God would have it, she ended up listening to the entire class, approached the leader and said, 'I can never go back to my old life.' When I heard the story, I wept. That, beloved, is one reason I love Jesus so much! He is the ultimate Prince Charming to every woman, expecially the one who forgot she was Cinderella. he looked with loving eyes on that lifeless woman, knowing all she'd ever said and done. He gazed beneath her sin into the brokenness that caused her to devalue herself so thoroughly. He'd given His whole life for HER and wanted HER to know that she was worth it to Him. Christ, the spotless One and the Righteous King, saw beauty beneath her wounded, weathered exterior and sought to make her His own. As surely as Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, He drew a South African prostitute to the fountain of living water and gave her a drink. Despite her self-destruction, Christ was FOR HER. He was on her side when she was her own worst enemy. That's the way HE is."
WOW! Thank you Jesus that you are ALWAYS "for" us and that you promise that you will conform us in YOUR likeness! (Romans 8:28-39) Help us to Look to you everyday...ALL day...NO MATTER the situation. Help me to seek your face ALONE! First, foremost, without blinking, every second of Every day!
1 comment:
Thanks so much for sharing your study with us!! I'm sharing mine too... so maybe we'll pick up some great stuff from each other. ;-)
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