Ok...So, I really try to keep up with this blog, but I am realizing that I am just BAD at it! Between work, Abby, church, ministry, washing clothes, cleaning house, and other various activities...when I have a free moment, I just want to sit down and watch tv. Is that Bad? Ok...here is the latest on our family.
Robby: he is still without a full time job. He is working at the church and still going to seminary full time. He lead part of worship at our church last Sunday and did AWESOME! I am so proud of him!
ME: I am teaching still...it has been a crazy year with the hurricane and still trying to get back in the swing of things. I got a new student last week and I will get another new student on Wednesday. It makes every week like the first day of school. That is fun for some and stressful for other students. Me...I just go with the flow. For my birthday I got a bike.
This is kind of a long story. I have had a LOT of problems with my left side. At the beginning of the school year they thought that I Had M.S. or Lupus. But, with many hours of testing, found out that I do not have either of these. YAY! Well, now we are looking into some other possibilities. Then, I went to the doctor last week, because I thought that I had a UTI, but the office called and said that my results came back negative and that they needed to see me. So, I went in unaware of why. They did several tests and it seems that my PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is getting much worse. My doctor told me that a normal ovary volume is 7 and my right ovary is now at 14 and my left is at 10. She told me that if we want to have more children then we should start trying within the next year. Now a quick reminder...ROBBY STILL DOES NOT HAVE A JOB! So, that is put on hold. She also said that after the second baby, that they will probably take at least the right ovary out and possibly both.
OK..with all of that said, I asked for a bike for by birthday since I cannot run anymore or use the eliptical because of my left side. It will just give way and stop working. strange...i know. Well, it is sooo awesome! I go riding with Abby every day when we get home and it is soo much fun! It is so freeing. I have not ridden a real bike since college. It is so fun! I have decided that when I get good that I am going to ride it to work on the days that Robby takes Abby to Joann's. Last night I rode about 6 miles. It was soo fun! Well, that is about all that is going on with me.
Abby: She is doing so good! She amazes me everyday with the things that she says and understands. She is talking in 4-5 word sentences most of the time and some are 8 or 9 words, so it is fun that she can tell me what she did at Joann's during the day. She is constantly talking to someone or to something about anything. It is a constant conversation in our house! Also, it is fun to know what she is thinking and her perspective on things. Today, she was trying on my shoes and put them on the wrong foot she said, "oops, wrong foot, silly Abby, switch it" Amazing! She pretend plays with her dolls and it reminds me of when I was little...I LOVED my babies. Tonight she was playing with her babies and this was the conversation..
me: abby, how many babies do you have?
abby: abby has 1,2,3,4,5 babies. Babies sleeping, shhhhh. nope...babies snorrrring. Wake up babies. Babies hungry, eat cereal bar...nope silly babies, cereal bar for breakfast...eat dinner.
me: abby, what do you want to eat for dinner
abby: hummm (with finger on lip), ask baby...(hold baby) baby, eat dinner want what? (turning to me) baby want mac and cheese, applejuice, orange, hmmm all done.
WOW! She is amazing! It is so fun to watch her grow!
Here are some pictures from this past weekend. We went to the cyfair college fall festival. It was so much fun. Abby is still talking about riding the pony!

Abby on the fire truck...she was not so sure about this!
the famous pony ride!
It certainly is lovely to hear about the Magee Family again! I miss you guys so much!
Good to hear from you. We took Kiera to the Scarecrow fest and she loved all of the animals. She also loves to play with her babies as did I. It is so sweet.
For Kiera's 2nd birthday party, we are having a "campout" in our backyard. No one is spending the night, just cooking hotdogs and roasting marshmellows and singing in the early evening. Super simple and fairly cheap. Good luck!
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