OK, so I am sorry that it has taken me so long to finally post. I have been having computer issues and I still can't use it. I think that it is on it's last leg. I am using my school computer for now. :) This past weekend was so fun! On Saturday, we went and met my mom and dad at a park in College Station. It was SO much FUN! Abby loved looking at the ducks and mastered saying "quack, quack, quack" over and over and over! Then, on Sunday our church had our 35th anniversary picnic after church and that was fun, but she was so exhausted after Saturday that we did not stay out long and play.
She is so funny! She has started putting 1-2 words together. Yesterday, during our morning prayer before leaving to go to Joann's I said "Are you ready to pray to Jesus?" Her response, "uh....(long pause) amen." I guess she was done with her prayer. hahaha! Also, when you ask her "how big are you?" she will say "BIGGGG! WOW!" When she wakes up in the morning she will say "happy Abby" :) There is not much better to wake up to than a "happy Abby." I have been trying to teach her to spell her name. She will say "Abby---A-B-B-B" It is so amazing the things that she can come up with.
On another note...At my Bible study last week, Beth Moore said a very profound thing. She was talking about when they visited Rawanda and did some work with feeding the hungry. The guide there said that they have a hard time because they will give the people seed to plant for a harvest so that they will have food to eat for months and the people EAT the seed instead of planting it! WOW! Most of us would think that is CRAZY...don't they know that if they planted it, they could have a whole crop of food?! Are we not the same way concerning the Word? We listen to sermons and are spiritually full...we might even cry, get emotional about God's truth and his promises. We will say...wow! Praise God. He is so good! But, when we leave or close our Bible...we are unchanged and it does not have a PERMANENT affect on our daily lives. Don't we know that if we "planted"God's word daily. Invested that Word in others and waited for the harvest...WOW! What a relationship we would have with our Heavenly Provider. What peace we would experience on a daily basis. How we could apply the truth of God's promises to our own lives DAILY! My prayer has been this week, "God show me how to sow your word. Allow me the privelege of waiting for the harvest that you promise. I want to read your word and never close it unchanged FOREVER. Reveal to me truth in your word that I can plant and give me the patience to wait for the harvest."
1 comment:
What a smarty pants - already learning to spell and everything!! We have to get together soon - I need some Magee time too! I miss you guys! :-)
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