Sunday, April 6, 2008


So, we had a fun adventure today. Abby was still running fever (from teething we think) and so I did not take her to church since she was having yucky diapers as well. I didn't think that they would appreciate that in the nursery. We stayed inside most of the day and then this afternoon it was just too beautiful outside to stay in. So, I dressed Abby in her swimsuit and lathered her in sunscreen (she was NOT impressed) and we went outside to play in the sprinkler in the back yard.

She was sooo funny! She looked at the sprinkler and said "water!" as she was running toward the sprinkler, it started to oscillate. :) She immediately was drenched with "burrrr" water and ran back toward me. I turned down the water pressure and we made the trek across the yard again as she held on to my hand for dear life. She kept saying "burr, burr, burr, water" As we reached the sprinkler, she reached out her hand to touch the water and the look on her face was priceless. I am so glad that I got in a picture (see pic at top.) We continued to play for about 30 minutes as she dodged the oscillating water sprinkler with constant giggles and "burr water."

Then I went and got the bubbles. As she chased them around the yard saying "bubble" she started to get frustrated that she could not catch them. So, she came up to me, took the wand from my hand and tried to put it in the bubble jar herself. hahaha Miss independent!

She has also mastered the art of telling us when she has gone pee pee. The very second that she goes she says "tee tee diaper" over and over and over until you change it. I have changed more diapers in the last 2 days then in the last month I think. Also, I made the mistake of turning on the water faucet in the bathroom when she was sitting on the potty to see if that would help her go in the potty, (to no avail) so now she cannot sit on the potty without the water on. She will just stand and point up at the faucet and say "water, water water" until it is on. Then she will pull down her shorts and say "up" to sit on the potty. So, we are making progress, but not there yet. The funny thing was that when I was using the potty myself, she came in the bathroom and pointed to the faucet and said "water, water, water" until I turned it on for ME to go to the potty. hahaha

Look at these blue eyes!!! Thanks dad (poppa)!

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

Can I just say that the pictures are priceless... I can only imagine her trying to figure out how to play in the water, but not get cold. HA! Looks like she's not far from being able to play with her own bubbles!