Friday, October 17, 2008
Riding to Work
Monday, October 13, 2008

the famous pony ride!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
So, we go in the room and she gets VERY quiet. She is a smart cookie. Robby was holding her and she started holding on VERY tight. Then they tied down her arms and wrapped her up in the papoos(sp) to hold her to the table. Then they wanted me to hold down her legs while a nurse held down her head. Of course, she is SCREAMING the whole time. The whole procedure took longer than they expected since he had a hard time getting the probe down the duct because it was so blocked. This was about the size of a VERY thick needle without the point and they were shoving it down the corner of her eye! I CANNOT imagine going through that as an adult. She was a real trooper. He finally got the probe down the duct which means that it pushed through a big part of the blockage. Then they put a seringe on the end of the probe and flushed saline through the duct to try and finish cleaning it out. After that. She was all done. I grabbed her up and she said "Daddy hold you." :( of course! So, Robby held her and she immediately calmed down. Robby says that "mommy's are what makes the world go round and Daddys make it safe." Pretty profound. I guess that is why it is SOOOO important for little girls to have that Daddy relationship. It makes their world feel secure and safe. Thank you God for Daddys.
Then, we battled 5:00 traffic for almost 2 hours and then had to go to 2 pharmacies to get her Rx antibiotics, but we are home now and I just put her to bed. Hopefully she will sleep well and without pain.
Thank you for all of your prayers. It has been a rough day, and only time will tell if it completely unblocked that duct. But, hopefully the hard part is over and we will never have to do it again.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
From the Mouth of a child
Well...let me go back a few days. Last week Robby was laid off from his job and we are looking of course for another job. So, needless to say...just a little bit of stress. He DID get a two week severance package, but two weeks is not very long to find a job, start a job and then already get a paycheck from that new job. YIKES!
Our pastor has been preaching a sermon series on faith. He is AMAZING! I love our pastor. Anyway...we have been looking at people in the bible whom GOD said had faith and what their lives looked like. This message series could not have come at a better time. We are really trusting and putting our faith in HIS WORD, not blindly. We are claiming HIS promises over our lives.
Tonight, the same as every night, Abby and I were saying her night time prayers before she went to bed. This is always a very sweet time and Abby LOVES it! When we finish praying she will take my hand and say, "again pray" so we will pray for something else. When we say "amen," she will take my hand and say, "again pray." This continues until finally I just have to put her into bed. Usually we will go through our prayer cycle for about 30 minutes. SUCH a sweet time and she LOVES praying to Jesus. Well, tonight as we finished praying and I said, " is time to go night night." Abby looked up at the ceiling and said "night night Jesus" in her sweet innocent voice. What an amazing God we serve! He knows exactly how to touch even the most tender heart. Thank you Jesus!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
long time no blog

Monday, May 12, 2008
I am VERY ready for summer vacation! Only 12 more school days left! YAY! I just have SOOOO much paperwork that I need to finish in those 12 days! Yikes! I do this every year...I know what paperwork needs to be done by the end of the year, but I always wait until the very last second to do it! WHY??? :)
I am excited about church...I met with the youth pastor and he asked me to be the "coordinator for the youth leaders." Basically, I will help choose the curriculum, encourage the small group leaders, make sure that they have their curriculum and basically be the behind the scenes person that makes it tick. This will be a new journey for me and I am excited to see what God is going to do!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Robby: He is a man of many hats! He works full time for an oil company, he is in seminary full time and is working at our church part time! WOW! Did I mention that he is a GREAT daddy and husband in the mean time??? He also just made all A's on his final exams for seminary... WOW! I am so proud of him! How does he do it?
Abby: She is CRAZY! She is running everywhere, up and down stair, sliding, climbing...CRAZY! We are still working on the potty thing, but there is not much consistency between what we do at home and what is done at the sitter, so I think that we will just hit it hard this summer. She will pretty much tell you what she is thinking, so watch out! This morning she said "git my milk (bilk)" please(in sign)! Her new few words are "hold you," "rock," "Kilie" (a girl at Joann's house. She will make all of the animal sounds such as "meow," "mooo," "ruff ruff," "baa," "quack, quack," "oink." As well as "vrrrmm" when she sees a car or bus, "burr" when she is cold, "hot", "waTer(emphasis on the T) haha" "up" "down" "eat" "yummy" She is a talker! She can stack 4 blocks and make a tower, and match the circle, square and triangle in the shape sorter. Her favorite toys are her tent that Granna and Poppa bought her for Christmas and her big Ball for the seems to change daily though. :)
Me: I am READY for summer vacation! I will be teaching babies doing Parent Infant Training this summer for two days a week. I am working with our youth group at church as the "leadership coordinator." Basically, I get to encourage the parent volunteer leaders for our small groups, prepare their curriculum and make sure that they have everything that they need. We will really start hitting it hard this summer, so I will let you know how that goes. Right now, I am in a women's bible study on Thursday nights. Other than that...I TRY to work out, but not as much as I was there for a while..STILL have those 7 lbs left to lose...YUCK! It is hanging on for dear life!!!! That is about it for us! I hope that you are all doing well!
Love you all!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New Potty

She is getting over being sick. She is cutting her top molar teeth and so I think that is part of the problem. We have been giving her the antihistamine/decongestant benadryl and that seems to be helping. I however had a very strange thing happen to me this week. I have been going to chiropractors for almost 10 years and have been to some really good ones and some really bad ones. The one that I am going to now is AMAZING! Well, I go every Monday. This Monday I went in feeling pretty good and left feeling pretty lousy. Strange. Well, as the day progressed into night time and the next day, I was feeling worse and worse. I was really dizzy and my left neck, shoulder and back hurt sooo bad that I was in tears. Then, last night my left arm went numb! So, I called the doctor and he said that it was possible that when he adjusted my neck, that he adjusted me too far the other way!!! I have to take 4-5 motrin and a vicadin just to be able to sleep! So, I went back today and he adjusted it back and I felt great again! Strange how such a small thing can cause so much pain and suffering. Well...he said that probably my muscles would pull it back out of place since they were so tight and...IT DID! So, we are back on the heated neck wrap and meds until Friday when I go back. He said that I probably would not feel better for 3 or 4 days! That is a very painful mistake!!!! I was NOT impressed. But, I still trust him and he has helped me more in the last few months than others ever have.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday Fun
1. What was I doing ten years ago?
- Oh how embarrassing!! I was in high school
2. Five things on my To-Do list today:
- 1. Work
- 2. Play will Abby
- 3. wash clothes
- 4. wash dishes
- 5. hang out with my hubby
3. Bad Habits
- 1. eating too much sugar
- 2. Biting my nails when I am stressed
- 3. Not working out (I'm with ya on that one)
Five places I’ve lived:
- 1.Houston, Texas
- 2.College Station, Texas
- 3. Bryan, TX
- 4. Lorena, TX
- 5. Nacogdoches, TX
Five jobs I’ve had:
- 1. Teacher
- 2. Interpreter
- 3. clerical secretery during High School
- 4. curves for women personal trainer
- 5. Hallmark
Five books I’ve recently read:
- Hebrews
- psalms
- Isaiah
- "The Strong Willed Child" by James Dobson (not finished with that one)
- "Actively teaching a One year old-daily activities" (not finished this one either)
NO I AM NO KIDDING...I don't really have time to read much else other than the will notice that the other NON bible books are not finished yet. :)
I hope that she is better by Monday so that she can go back to Mrs. Joann's house again. Joann said that they miss her... "she is the life of the party!" :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"A few days ago I received a word of a group in Cape Town, South Africa, going through the Bible study Breaking Free. The woman leading the study shared that a prostitute wandered in off the stree while the class was underway. The troubled woman was simply looking for a place to sit and rest her weary frame. As our wonderful God would have it, she ended up listening to the entire class, approached the leader and said, 'I can never go back to my old life.' When I heard the story, I wept. That, beloved, is one reason I love Jesus so much! He is the ultimate Prince Charming to every woman, expecially the one who forgot she was Cinderella. he looked with loving eyes on that lifeless woman, knowing all she'd ever said and done. He gazed beneath her sin into the brokenness that caused her to devalue herself so thoroughly. He'd given His whole life for HER and wanted HER to know that she was worth it to Him. Christ, the spotless One and the Righteous King, saw beauty beneath her wounded, weathered exterior and sought to make her His own. As surely as Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, He drew a South African prostitute to the fountain of living water and gave her a drink. Despite her self-destruction, Christ was FOR HER. He was on her side when she was her own worst enemy. That's the way HE is."
WOW! Thank you Jesus that you are ALWAYS "for" us and that you promise that you will conform us in YOUR likeness! (Romans 8:28-39) Help us to Look to you everyday...ALL day...NO MATTER the situation. Help me to seek your face ALONE! First, foremost, without blinking, every second of Every day!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
pee pee time!

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
My First Post